Diverse Sanctuary & Designing Your World!

This is personal, I am a patient who has been criminalized for trying to see my
son grow up, for wanting to stand beside him, and for choosing life over
addictive, damaging, mind altering prescription narcotics…

Who believes God = “Ya” knew what he was doing, when he causeth the herb to
grow for “the service of man …” Psalms 104:14-15

And when he listed cannabis in a recipe for “an oil holy anointment, an ointment
compound after the art of apothecary” Exodus 30:22-29

The word was mistranslated from the original Hebrew text into English {in order
to control the masses} as “calamus” the Torah shows us this and have been
proven this by evidence.

The bible even predicts it’s prohibition. Look at Gen 1:12, 1:29-31 then look at 1
Timothy 4:1-3 Look at Mat. 15:11 ; Romans 14:14,17 or Ezekiel 34:29, just some of
what the word has to say on the issue…

There is a lot more on the subject. This is a plant that provides milk, meat of the
highest protein on the face of the earth, oil, paper, cloth, wood, plastic, soap,
rubber, rope, gasoline, medicine, and the list goes on…

While it creates a closed carbon cycle when used for fuel… Cleans and restores
toxic soil, filters and cleans toxic ground water, and restores the ozone layer
while it is grown.

Talk about servicing man !

God = “YA – YAH” knew what he was doing.

Did you know ???

Our Constitution was written on Hemp

and it says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Will You Stand on the truth ?

The bible speaks of mercy and healing.

That we are “destroyed for our lack of knowledge…” Hosea 4:6, 6:6

That Gods children are persecuted, look at Psalms 119:86 and then warns us
against passing judgment on others. John 8:7 & Mat. 7:1-4

Yeshuwa who came to be known to the world as Christ Jesus = Anti Christ who’s
name they changed/stole and who’s story they twisted = manipulation = Witch
Craft. Broke “their law” to heal the blind and crippled and he was persecuted
and then CRUCIFIED for it.



Much Peace & Love…
Mary Thomas-Spears, MINISTER formally & formerly known as “Rev. Mary” a title
of the World’s Council of Churches which I have since denounced, due to their

*-~ Kaneh bosem = Cannabis~-*
thelivingtorah.jpg & Illustration from Torah


Exodus 30, verses 22 – 30

Anointing Oil

22 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels
of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250
shekels of fragrant cane, 24 500 shekels of cassia – all according to the sanctuary
shekel – and a hin of olive oil. 25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a
fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. . . .

30 “Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as

The chief unit of weight was the SHEKEL, called also the holy shekel or shekel of
the sanctuary; subdivided into the beka (i.e. half ), and the gerah (i.e. a grain ).



1/20 shekel
0.5 g
1/15 oz.

10 gerahs, 1/2 shekel
5 g.
3/16 oz.

1 1/2 bekas, 3/4 shekel
7 g.
1/4 oz.

2 bekas, 1 1/2 pims
10 g
1/2 oz.

75 pims, 50 shekels
500 g
1 lb.

60 minas, 3000 shekels
30 kg
66 lbs.


Converted into today’s measurements:

liquid myrrh 500 shekels 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)
cassia 500 shekels 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)
cinnamon leaf 250 shekels 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)
cannabis flowers 250 shekels 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)
olive oil 1 hin 6.5 liters (1.72 gallons)

In the traditional method, all of these ingredients would have been mixed with
water and then boiled until all the water evaporated. The oil was then strained
and ready for use.


Myrrh Gum

Myrrh has many medicinal uses. In ancient times it was used for cleaning wounds
and sores. As late as the 19th century it was given as a treatment for worms,
coughs, colds, sore throats, asthma, indigestion, bad breath, gum disease, and
gonorrhea. Today it is still a common ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwash.

Until the invention of morphine and other modern painkillers, myrrh was a
common analgesic. In ancient times it was often mixed with wine to make the
drink more potent (Clarke’s Commentary – Prov 9:4-5).

As was the custom among the Jews, Christ was offered “wine mingled with
myrrh” to ease the pains of the cross. However, He refused to drink it (Mk 15:23).

Today myrrh may be used in toothpastes, mouthwashes, cosmetics, and food

—Medicinal Action and Uses—Astringent, healing. Tonic and stimulant. A direct
emmenagogue, a tonic in dyspepsia, an expectorant in the absence of feverish
symptoms, a stimulant to the mucous tissues, a stomachic carminative, exciting
appetite and the flow of gastric juice, and an astringent wash.

It is used in chronic catarrh, phthisis pulmonalis, chlorosis, and in amenorrhoea
is often combined with aloes and iron. As a wash it is good for spongy gums,
ulcerated throat and aphthous stomatitis, and the tincture is also applied to foul
and indolentulcers. It has been found helpful in bronchorrhoea and leucorrhoea.
It has also been used as a vermifuge.

Myrrh is a common ingredient of toothpowders, and is used with borax in
tincture, with other ingredients, as a mouth-wash.

The Compound Tincture, or Horse Tincture, is used in veterinary practice for
healing wounds.
Meetiga, the trade-name of Arabian Myrrh, is more brittle and gummy than that of
Somaliland and has not its white markings.

The liquid Myrrh, or Stacte, spoken of by Pliny, and an ingredient of Jewish holy
incense, was formerly obtainable and greatly valued, but cannot now be

Cassia – Cinnamon Bark Oil (cinnamonum cassia)

—Medicinal Action and Uses—Carminative, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic;
more powerful as a local than as a general stimulant; is prescribed in powder
and infusion but usually combined with other medicines. It stops vomiting,
relieves flatulence, and given with chalk and astringents is useful for diarrhea
and hemorrhage of the womb.

Cinnamon leaf oil (cinnamonum zeylanicum)

—Medicinal Action and Uses—Stomachic, carminative, mildly astringent, said to
be emmenagogue and capable of decreasing the secretion of milk. The tincture
is useful in uterine hemorrhage and menorrhagia, the doses of 1 drachm being
given every 5, 10 or 20 minutes as required. It is chiefly used to assist and flavor
other drugs, being helpful in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and to relieve

The oil is a powerful germicide, but being very irritant is rarely used in medicine
for this purpose. It is a strong local stimulant, sometimes prescribed in
gastro-dynia, flatulent colic, and gastric debility.

—Poisons and Antidotes—It was found that 6 drachms of the oil would kill a
moderately sized dog in five hours, and 2 drachms in forty hours, inflammation of
the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane being observed.

Olive oil

—Medicinal Action and Uses—The leaves are astringent and antiseptic.
Internally, a decoction of 2 handsful boiled in a quart of water until reduced to
half a pint has been used in the Levant in obstinate fevers. Both leaves and bark
have valuable febrifugal qualities.

The oil is a nourishing demulcent and laxative. Externally, it relieves pruritis, the
effects of stings or burns, and is a good vehicle for liniments. With alcohol it is a
good hair-tonic. As a lubricant it is valuable in skin, muscular, joint, kidney and
chest complaints, or abdominal chill, typhoid and scarlet fevers, plague and
dropsies. Delicate babies absorb its nourishing properties well through the skin.
Its value in worms or gallstones is uncertain.

Internally, it is a laxative and disperser of acids, and a mechanical antidote to
irritant poisons. It is often used in enemas. It is the best fat for cooking, and a
valuable article of diet for both sick and healthy of all ages. It can easily be taken
with milk, orange or lemon juice, etc.


—Medicinal Action and Uses—The principal use of Hemp in medicine is for
easing pain and inducing sleep, and for a soothing influence in nervous
disorders. It does not cause constipation nor affect the appetite like opium. It is
useful in neuralgia, gout, rheumatism, delirium tremens, insanity, infantile
convulsions, insomnia, etc.

The tincture helps parturition, and is used in senile catarrh, gonorrhoea,
menorrhagia, chronic cystitis and all painful urinary affections. An infusion of the
seed is useful in after pains and prolapsus uteri. The resin may be combined
with ointments, oils or chloroform in inflammatory and neuralgic complaints.

The action is almost entirely on the higher nerve centers. It can produce an
exhilarating intoxication, with hallucinations, and is widely used in Eastern
countries as an intoxicant, hence its names ‘leaf of delusion,’ ‘increaser of
pleasure,’ ‘cementer of friendship,’ etc. The nature of its effect depends much on
the nationality and temperament of the individual. It is regarded as dangerous to
sleep in a field of hemp owing to the aroma of the plants.


Recipe for the Holy Anointing Oil.

This is the recipe I have used. It is not exactly the same recipe that is listed in
Exodus, it has only one ounce of marijuana instead of fifteen ounces. However,
this recipe has been used on human beings and used with prayer, worked to
relieve pain. I have used this on a man suffering from Aids, another man with
severe upper back pain from a pinched nerve, on a woman with severe lower
back pain associated with her monthlys, on a man suffering from rheumatoid
arthritis and on myself for various pains and abrasions.

1 pint Organic Sesame Seed oil

1 pint Organic Olive Oil

.06 oz Cinnamon bark oil (Cassia) (1 eighth of a .5 oz bottle)

.06 oz Cinnamon leaf oil (1 eighth of a .5 oz bottle)

1 oz of Myrrh Gum

1 oz of Marijuana

This produces an oil that is much less powerful then the original recipe as 2
pints of oil, or one quart of oil, in the original recipe would have 15 ounces of
marijuana flowers, not the 1 ounce I have used. All these ingredients except for
the marijuana are available at the local health food store here in Fayetteville,

You need a cooking pot and a Pyrex 4 cup measuring cup. Use a cooking pot
with a liner/separator so that the container you cook the oil in is lifted off the
bottom of the cooking pot. You need a candy thermometer that will clip onto the
side of the pot. You need enough Canola oil to use as the heat transfer medium
in the cooking pot.

Place the pint of Sesame Seed oil in the container with the shredded Marijuana
and the Myrrh Gum.

Place the jar into the cooking pot, on top of the liner/separator.

Place the Canola oil into the cooking pot up to within 3 inches of the top of the
pot – or to the same level of the Sesame Seed oil in the jar – whichever is less.

Wrap Aluminum foil around the cooking pot lip and crumple it so that the space
between the cooking pot and the jar is covered with the foil. This helps cut down
on oil fumes and reduces fire hazard from the hot oil. Use an electric stove or
hotplate – never use any kind of open flame for this cooking.

Place the candy thermometer thru the foil and clip it onto the side of the cooking
pot so that the sensing tip is immersed in the Canola oil. The Canola oil transfers
heat from the stove to the jar at higher temperatures then boiling water at 212
degrees. You want to cook the oil for one hour at 300 degrees. This extracts the
active ingredients from the Marijuana and dissolves the Myrrh gum into the oil.

Remove from the heat and allow it to cool. The glass container is very fragile; do
not mess with it until it cools to skin temperature or it will break and you will lose
that lot of oil.

Strain the oil / herb mixture thru a cloth and discard the solids.

Add the Olive oil, Cinnamon Bark (Cassia) oil and the Cinnamon leaf oil to the
cooked Anointing Oil and bottle. Store the Anointing Oil in the refrigerator in a
dark colored bottle. Decant into smaller jars for use.

Rev. Tom Brown,

First Church of the Magi

P.O. Box 2827

Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702



Exodus 30, verses 22 – 30
Holy Anointing Oil

REFERENCE FROM; Cannabis and Christianity; Cannabis Central

As doubtful as the following hypothesis might first seem to the reader, I might as
well boldly state my case right from the start: either Jesus used marijuana or he
was not the Christ. The very word “Christ”, by the implication of its linguistic
origins and true meaning, gives us the most profound evidence that Jesus did in
fact use the same herb as his ancient semitic ancestors, and which is still used
by people around the world for its enlightening and healing properties.

The Greek title “Christ” is the translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, which in
English becomes “The Anointed” D . The Messiah was recognized as such by his
being anointed with the holy anointing oil, the use of which was restricted to the
instillation of Hebrew priests and kings ( See CC#5). If Jesus was not initiated in
this fashion then he was not the Christ, and had no official claim to the title.
D The title “Messiah” is much older than Christianity, as all the ancient kings of
Israel are referred to as the “Messiah”. “Christos – Anointed One, a title of many
Middle-Eastern sacrificial gods: Attis, Adonis, Tammuz, Osiris. . .” 12

The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of
Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops,
Hebrew “kaneh-bosm” B, extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along
with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally
drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.
B The “m” is a pronounced plural, and the singular kaneh-bos sounds
remarkably similar to the modern cannabis. Although often mistranslated as
“calamus”, the word has been translated as “fragrant-cane” in most modern
bibles, and specifically designates the fragrant flowering tops of cannabis.

From the time of Moses until that of the later prophet Samuel, the holy anointing
oil was used by the shamanic Levite priesthood to receive the “revelations of
the Lord”. At the dawn of the age of Kings, Samuel extended the use of the
anointing oil to the Hebraic monarchs by anointing Saul (and later David) as
“Messiah-king”. These kings lead their people with the benefit of insights
achieved through using the holy anointing oil to become “possessed with the
spirit of the Lord.”

“Anointing was common among kings of Israel . It was the sign and symbol of
royalty. The word ‘Messiah’ signifies the ‘Anointed One’, and none of the kings of
Israel were styled the Messiah unless anointed.” 1 The title was clearly only
given to those “having the crown of God’s unction upon them” (Leviticus 21:12).

After the fall of the Jewish kingdoms, and the bloody purges following the forged
discovery of the Book of the Law (1 Kings 23), the cannabis holy oil was
prohibited as associated with pagan worship. Yet it seems that certain sects
retained the topical entheogen, and continued to practice the older religion,
silently awaiting the return of a Messiah-king in the line of David.

The ministry of Jesus marked the return of the Jewish Messiah-kings, and thus
the re-emergence of the holy oil. Jesus was called the Christ because he
violated the Old Testament taboo on the cannabis oil and distributed it freely for
initiation rites and to heal the sick and wounded.

Although there is some evidence of Jesus’ use of this Judaic cannabis oil in the
traditional New Testament, we get a clearer picture of its importance when we
also look at surviving Gnostic documents. The term Gnostic, meaning
“knowledge”, refers to a variety of early Christian sects which had extremely
different beliefs about both Jesus and his teachings than those which have
come down to us through modern Christianity.

Other Christian Sources

For the first four hundred years after Jesus’ birth, the term “Christian” was used
to describe a wide variety of sects and a large volume of different documents.
Through the acceptance of one of the more ascetic branches of Christianity by
the Roman ruling class, Christianity eventually became the state religion of its
former persecutors.

In an effort to unify the faith into a controllable mass, the newly formed Roman
Catholic Church held a number of councils. These councils prohibited not only
pagans, but also differing Christian sects, and edited a wealth of Christian
literature down to the few meager documents which have survived as the
modern New Testament. Z
Z The New Testament in its present form was composed and edited between
367-397AD, about twelve generations after the events in question.

In an attempt to save their manuscripts from the editorial flames of the Roman
Catholic Church, certain Christian s, now considered Gnostic heretics, hid
copies of their scrolls in caves. One of these ancient hiding places was
rediscovered in our own century, and the large collection of early Christian
documents was named the Nag Hamadi Library, 2 after the Egyptian area where it
was found. Prior to this discovery, what little was known of the Gnostics came
from a few fragmentary texts, and the many polemics written against them by the
founders of the Catholic Church.

There is no reason to consider these ancient Gnostic documents as less
accurate portrayals of the life and teachings of Jesus than the New Testament
accounts. In a sense, the rediscovery of the Nag Hamadi Library marks the
resurrection of a more historical Jesus, an ecstatic rebel sage who preached
enlightenment through rituals involving magical plants, and who is more
analogous to the Indian Shiva, or the Greek Dionysus, than the pious ascetic that
has come down to us through the Bible’s New Testament.

The Anointed One

Contrary to the depiction given in the New Testament gospels of Matthew and
Luke, Jesus was likely not born as the Messiah. He received this title through
his initiation by John the Baptist, and so it is not surprising that both Mark and
John are conspicuously absent of the virgin-birth mythology, and begin their
stories of Jesus’ short career with his initiation by John.

Although their version of Jesus’ baptism by John describes it as involving
submersion under water, the term “baptism” has connotations of “initiation”, and
Gnostic scriptures indicate that the original rite was performed in conjunction
with the kaneh-bosm anointing rite, “the anointing taking place either before or
after the baptismal ceremony.”3 Some Gnostic texts also specifically state that
Jesus received the title Christ “because of the anointing,”4 not because of a
water baptism.

Conceivably, the washing off of the oil with water would have been a means to
begin the termination of ritual and the oil’s effects.

The description of the after-effects of the rite clearly indicates that Jesus
underwent an intense psychological experience, more than one would receive
from a simple submersion in water.

RE: Spencer Boston,



Tennessee man arrested for smoking a joint during court appearance on possession charge


Free Spencer Boston – GOFUNDME Account


Kentucky House Judiciary Committee advances medical cannabis bill!

Seriously ill Kentuckians have been waiting long enough — urge your state legislators to support HB 136!

Today, Kentucky’s House Judiciary Committee voted 17-1 to pass HB 136, a bill that would legalize cannabis for medical use. Next the bill will proceed to the full House, where it is expected to receive a vote soon.

Please write your legislators today and urge them to pass this compassionate legislation!

Fifty-one of Kentucky’s 100 state representatives are cosponsors of HB 136, and Gov. Andy Beshear has indicated that he strongly supports medical cannabis.

However, some Senate leaders remain opposed, so the challenge for advocates will be getting a bill through both chambers of the legislature and to the governor’s desk.

It’s critical that legislators hear from their constituents who support medical cannabis. After you write your legislators, please share this message with your friends and family.




“to prohibit smoking of medicinal marijuana;”

“to establish limits on the THC content of medicinal marijuana that can be produced or sold in the state”

“to exempt certain records and information from the disclosure under the Kentucky Open Records Act;”

“to permit an employer to restrict the possession and use of medicinal marijuana by an employee;”


Sen. Perry Clark introduced SB105 on January 22, 2020 which DOES include adult use, small amounts of growing for personal use as well. Please view the Bill at this link!

“to allow for possession, growth, use, processing, purchasing, transfer, and consumption of cannabis;”

“to establish provisions for personal cultivation;”

“to establish provisions for palliative or therapeutic use of cannabis by persons under the age of 21;”



I would say LET’S GO!!!

All you Cannabis Truthers, Activist, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Officers, Ministers and Warriors and “LET’S GO!!!” Educate and heal these Athletes, Cancer Patients, their families, and the World…!!!!

Problem is that my husband and I must keep moving and getting our house moved and in order so I will say a BIG THANK YOU! To all those who get up and go outside in the cold in my place to remind the masses that “Kaneh Bosem” from the Hebrew = Cannabis = Marijuana!!!

Was given in Scripture as the “Tree of Life” “for the anointing of the Priest and healing of the Nations” As it is proven and Patented by the U.S. Government as a Cure for Cancer while they continue to deny the Cure to the multitudes and to incarcerate patients and families,… Activist, Caregivers, Growers, Ministers…

Protect y(our) garden rights and stop the Legal-lies = Legalize and get real! Through REPEAL!

Legalize only sanctions and mandates their authority to continue to keep this plant and it’s seed further PROHIBITED from y(our) gardens…!!! Though your giving away all your authority, your freedoms and your rights to them for them to make All the Rules and All the Gardens!= for FULL CONTROL!!! Of the entire Market Place!

Including the Black Market they Create and generate through Prohibition and continued Prohibition! = Legal-lies = Legalize

Congress was only given authority over Currency, The Market Place and Foreign War!




Abundant Blessings!
Mary Thomas-Spears-Joseph aka Rev. Mary

Image may contain: 3 people, including Cher Ford-mccullough, people smiling

Shawna Fibikar is with Cher Ford-mccullough.

Yesterday at 9:38am ·

We’ve been asked for obituary details to be used for many publications and websites. GoFundMe information will follow yet today to help offset medical costs not covered by mom’s Medicare B and to organize a celebration of life concert in August.

FORD-MCCULLOUGH, Cheryl Jeanne (Morarie) –

Cher Ford-McCullough  age 66, died Friday, June 1st, 2018 at her Hopkinton, IA home following a brief battle with lung/liver cancer.

It was always said that Cher was born an adult. Her mother once said she wasn’t raised… she was snatched up by the hair of the head. She had responsibility placed on her literally at birth. She helped to raise her four siblings and at the age of 21 and 25 raised two beautiful daughters.

As a single mother she worked hard as a waitress and bartender to provide for her kids. Cher might not have been able to afford a big fancy house or nice vacations, but she gave her children unforgettable experiences through her music. Cher was a singer in many bands and found her most success from 1980-1984 when singing for the band Crossbow in Oklahoma City, OK. “Us kids” were drug to many performances, would sleep in “green rooms” while she was on stage and even had an opportunity to perform ourselves a time or two. I, Shawna, can personally attest to a standing ovation from a bar full of people after singing ‘Cat Scratch Fever” at the age of five. Her love for music continued right to the end – she was constantly writing new songs and knew every song that came on the car radio. She was particularly taken in the last year with the song ‘Sign of the Times’ by Harry Styles.

Growing up poor, Cher knew what it was like to get bullied for circumstances out of her control. Because of that experience she learned to stand up for herself and others. She wasn’t afraid to stick up for her siblings when they got picked on as kids and this fearlessness continued in to her adulthood when she protested alongside Jesse Jackson after the 2003 Goose Creek raid in South Carolina where police held guns at children’s head in the hallways upon responding to a drug activity call.

In the last 20 years of her life she made it her life goal to make a difference and give a voice to those who didn’t have one. She was the founder and president of the Women’s Organization for National Prohibition Reform, Kentucky State Director for the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis, president of Compassionate Moms, a member of the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center, is listed as one of Skunk Magazines top influential women of the cannabis world, funded the Million Marijuana Marches in Paducah, spoke at the Seattle Hemp Feast and 2003 Global Million Marijuana March, participated in the 2004 March for Women’s Lives in Washington, DC, Florida Journey for Justice, Ohio Journey for Justice, Texas Journey for Justice, and worked with long-time marijuana activist and occasional political candidate Gatewood Galbraith since 1999. Her name is listed on the Wall of Tolerance in the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, AL, and she actively worked on drug policy and prison reform.

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She will be sorely missed and survived by her husband of 30 years Brian McCullough, siblings: Cheri Tippets, Lynn Casteel, Billie Clifton, and Bill Morarie, children: Shawna Fibikar, Danielle Ford, grandchildren: Rya (Johnson) Ramsey, Jordan Johnson, Chandler Johnson, Dawson Schmidt, Sebastian Charles and Cecilia Charles.

She was preceded in death by her father William Morarie, mother Thelma Healan, a son Robbie who was born prematurely and many beloved pets, some of her most favorite being Katie the raccoon, Woody the squirrel and the many, many ducks and geese that frequented her lake house in Gilbertsville, KY.

A ‘Celebration of Life’ will be held in August, in lieu of a service, that will involve live music, stories being shared and laughter. Details to come via her Facebook profile.



There will be another post published this week with more links to history of Cher Ford-McCullough.

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The following information was sent to me this morning by                 Tonya Davis.  This was an unexpected and particularly tragic           accident.  I met Dawn a few times while vising Tonya in Ohio.                   My heart goes out to her family and friends.

Dawn Maria Dunlap passed away on June 9, 2018 at age 50.

This was due to an auto accident while she was crossing the street with her significant other. Dawn had no children but leaves behind her Partner, her Aunt, her Brother and Parents.

Dawn was physically disabled with a genetic bone disease and confined to a wheelchair. However, this did not prevent her from obtaining an Associates Degree in graphic arts.  She was a champion medical marijuana Activist.  She participated in many forums on physical disabilities.  Additionally she was an adventurous photographer, and created digital works of art and custom jewelry.

She was a woman of strong faith with a strong association to two  different churches. Both churches have lifted her up in their congregations for her strong faith.

All of us know she is in the hands of God and we will be reunited with her at a later date. She brought untold joy into the lives of many.

Dawn was very active on social media including Facebook and You Tube. In fact,  we are sure some of her funny videos can still be found on You Tube. If you are curious search for “Dawn Dunlap” and “Edna”.

If you are so inclined, please donate to the World Giraffe Foundation in lieu of sending flowers. This was Dawn’s favorite charity.


Dawn is loved and missed by many, leaving a large hole in the lives of family and friends.

The “Celebration of Life” will be held at the Church of Messiah located at 51 N. State St in Westerville, Ohio. The service will be at 11:30 AM on Saturday, June 23.

The will be an hour of visitation before the service at 10:30 AM. A meal and opportunity to share your best stories will be held in the church hall after the service.

Good Bye My Friend


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As I sat here patiently waiting for the Kentucky Legislature to take a vote on HB 166, I was thinking of a way to say,


to ALL of the people who took a stand this year in Kentucky!

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Jaime Montalvo   Justin Lewandoski   Eric Michelle Crawford   Pat Dunegan   Jennifer Dunegan   Dan Seum   Sally Oh   Dan Malano Seum   Tony Ashley   Elihu Shepherd   Tim Simpson   Henry Fox   Gina Daugherty   Chad Wilson    Thomas Tony Vance    Rebecca Collins   Blackii Effing Whyte 

There are many more which have not been listed here! 

Remembering also those that have in past years took up this fight and were the leaders from the beginning!

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Gatewood Galbraith – Wikipedia   Galbraith supported the legalization of recreational marijuana use, arguing that the framers of the US Constitution “did not say we have a Constitutional right to possess alcohol. They said we have a Constitutional right to privacy in our homes, under which fits the possession of an extremely poisonous alcohol. Now this is the law in Kentucky today. In fact, it is these rulings that keep the Kentucky State Police from kicking down the doors of people possessing alcohol in Kentucky’s 77 ‘dry’ counties right now and hauling their butts off to jail. Now Marijuana is a demonstrably less harmful substance than alcohol and presents far less of threat to public welfare. So it also fits in a person’s right to privacy in their home. It’s beyond the police power of the state as long as I don’t sell it and it’s for my own personal use.”[10]

Craig Lee   Tony Adkins  Ron Moore  David Weigand   Angela Gatewood   Erin Grossman Vu  Robin Rider-Osborne   Paula Willett  Cher Ford-mccullough Brian McCullough  Mary Thomas-Spears  Lynne Wilson  Roland A. Duby   Hugh Yonn  Patrick Moore  

Again, I have missed so many names that should be listed here! 

Many people put their own lives on hold to take on Kentucky’s Cannabis battle, whether it be for medicinal, recreational or even palliative care, they all took a stand…and walked all the way to Frankfort to prove it.    Not literally, of course.  I hope they all had a decent ride to get there but surely there were a few old broken down cars in the parking lot as well.  But by the time they all left there yesterday evening it felt as though they had  literally walked those miles.

All different types of people working toward one cause – to get some kind of Cannabis reform into Kentucky!

At the end of the day, the vote for HB 166 was passed over!  A very disappointing outcome for many thousands of Kentuckians who very much needed that Bill to pass! 

How is it possible that legislation so favored by the citizens has not already become law? What is it about this legislation that has Kentucky’s legislators so scared that they are willing to buck the will of the majority of the citizens?
I am of course talking about the legalization of cannabis for medical uses. With 80% favorability and a multitude of benefits arising from the use of cannabis it is confounding to see the Assembly leadership refuse the will of the people and bury all cannabis bills in committee. For what purpose are they doing this?  LINK

When I first started posting to blogs about medical cannabis or “repeal prohibition” it was 2003.  That was 15 years ago.  By the time I became affiliated with the USMjParty it was 2005 and 2010 before I really became involved in any administration of the group.  I always fought for the repeal of prohibition as a whole, but most importantly for Cannabis because yes, I believe Cannabis is a medicine, but first it has to be recognized as a food or ‘herb’ that cannot be controlled by the U.N. or any Government entity!  It is our unalienable right to grow and use the plants that our “Creator” put here on this planet for us! Only commerce can be controlled by our Government, according to the Constitution.  Therefore what we grow on our property or consume in our homes is actually none of the Government’s business!  But they MADE it their business – a long time ago. 

To understand how they accomplished this takeover, you can read the “Elkhorn Manifesto” through this link.  That was the beginning of the downfall of the United States as we see it today.  The U.N. which was formed in 1945 with five founding members including the United States was the beginning of the NWO as we know it today.  The ONDCP and the 1961 Narcotic Convention as well as the 1970 Controlled Substance Act and the DEA instituted by Nixon, as a requirement of the 1970 CSA, as per the U.N., conveniently wrapped up our lives under the control of the NWO.  I wrote about this a couple of years ago and it has a lot of interesting links of information it that article.

The U.N. just issued a statement reminding all signatory Countries to be mindful of their “Treaties” regarding Marijuana.

Be mindful of the fact that it is not just Marijuana that they seek to control.  Control the food and medicine and you will control the people.

We are just now seeing how one world Government will work.  It is reaching into all facets of our lives, some not noticeable yet to the average person, not just whether or not Marijuana is “legal”. 

All of these things together, coupled with the fact that our Legislature has their own agenda for Kentucky influences the outcome of any Cannabis legislation being passed here. 

We still have a couple weeks to see what the outcome will be for the Citizens of Kentucky.  Will the hard work by our dedicated Activists pay off for the Patients who are in such need in our State?  We can only continue to pray and also continue calling


and make sure your voice is heard!

As well, K.C.F.C. and others are gathering in Frankfort to show support.  You can follow them at this LINK.

There is a VERY good article documenting all of the Cannabis Bills in Kentucky this year at Kentucky Free Press.  If you haven’t already done so I encourage you to look at it.

Sally Oh,  who writes for Kentucky Free Press, was LIVE on Facebook on February 25th, explaining Medical Cannabis, States’ Rights & the Civil War  and I encourage you to view that video as well.

Sally Oh KY Free Press

Again, I want to thank everyone that has made an effort of any kind in Kentucky toward the repeal of Cannabis prohibition!  We all basically want the same thing – our patients to be taken care of and the freedom to possess, grow and consume a plant that our Creator blessed us with!

God Bless!


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Looks like I am not the only one who knows… Like I have been saying… “Sometimes you have to Stalk your Stalker” ROLMAFO!!!

So she agrees that it is Exactly like I have been saying!!! That “Sometimes you have to stalk your stalker” = Get back up in  their face, invade their space,… As it is all about their narcissistic a$$ being in control… When they are not in control… You take your power back!!! lmao!!! ♥

Funny how I figured this all out? Years ago… If your really smart, it doesn’t have to get violent; which can also be countered when necessary!

Funny! As in How Odd? Isn’t this how most government psych-ops works also?!!!

Psyops 101: An introduction to psychological operations

Watch the Full Video Report Here:

If you are paying attention…

While mean time…

They screw you and everyone else they can… While they call you consumers… While they consume you…

As I have said in the past, “Consumer – Is just a nice Soccer-Mom Term for an Addict and/or Addiction now days!”

or is it? Employer? lol!

Here’s another tip from Sacha on “Counter Manipulations”

So she agrees that at times, YOU MUST!!! Counter Manipulate!!!

While I am also thinking, Sacha, isn’t that how they usually change the subject or distract? Oh, so we agree, to quote and old quote,

“What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.”

As she explains, “Divide and Conquer” with a “Triangle Strategy”

While I want to send a BIG THANK YOU!!! To Sacha Slone@youtube.com

And Mr.James Corbett @ corbettreport.com and http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2012/10/23/the-eyeopener-psyops-101-an-introduction-to-psychological-operations/

A Rare Glimps of me as I am visiting a friends house taken by my friend in Nov of 2016. As I am not one to post a bunch of images of myself and/or selfies…

As I say High to Everyone and Yes! I am still alive despite all their diagnoses of death, and all the attempts to kill me.

While I prove yet another point here as always.


While as you will see


What A Difference The Light Makes!

Just a thought!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I am getting older… lol!

Wishing You Abundance, Love, Good Health and Repeal of Marijuana Prohibition!!!

As these Videos were trapped in my phone before they could be uploaded until they were.

A Rant I Made During the Last Election To The View – (#1)

To My Friends About Trump (Made Before the Election) – (#2)

As My Rant and My View Continues – “Clinton” – (#3)

Emphasizing a Point! – (#4)

To All the HATERS – (#5)

Well that gave you a very minute portion of my view on things! Really!

Not meant to offend! Just meant to be honest!

Oh and did I mention that the whole Water Water thing flowed all the way into Kentucky… Google – “The Wormhole Files”

Like I haven’t said enough to get myself targeted already in the last 25-30 years.

Yet, some one must speak up on Ethics, Truth and the BS!

Responses Received Immediately ~


A BIG THANK YOU!!! To ALL those who support the First Amendment and this TRUTH!!!

While I ask you to Please, get real for a moment and


Henry Fox – Outspoken Ky Cannabis/Marijuana Legalization Advocate – Kentucky Cannabis Coalition

As you can see there was 34 Comments when I grabbed these below for this blog.

Just a Select Few of those 34 Comments from a Few Out Spoken Ky Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana/Marihuana Activist including myself… In the order they fall…

Henry Fox again – i wish i could fight back. he even suggested that he thought the meds were helping…but, even though he thought the meds helped, he has to take them away so he can give me something that doesnt work

Mary Thomas-Spears – Myself – For those who do not know already – I am the Founding Minister of Diverse Sanctuary (The Oldest Cannabis Ministry existing in Kentucky, Founded in 1995 which has also currently grown to a Global On-line Network Community Ministry), A Co-Founder of Americans For Cannabis and Head Chair of Kentucky for Cannabis,… As well as a Mediator and Public Speaker for the U.S. Marijuana Party; among other positions in many other groups and orgs… Author and Webmaster of Constitutional Cannabis

My Comment – That is a myth

Some Doctors in Legal States do the same shi#!

Myself – Kentucky and our Government believes that if you really were choosing to use it as a healthy alternative you would see a holistic doctor or herbalist for all your health issues… Which I happen to agree with so it is how I handle my medical issues here or anywhere for that matter.

Though there are doctors who will prescribe Marinol here = their man made synthetic THC. That prescription will make you piss dirty… So it covers the Drug Test.

Paula Willett – Another outspoken Ky Cannabis Activist – A Co-Founder of “Gatewood’s Army”
The Doctors DO NOT have to test you for THC. Only the drugs that they are giving you. He is a jerk Dr. So grateful I live down here.in the Purchase Area, where we have doctors that actually care for thier patients 🙂

Myself – Also true!

Myself – Their point is, if you want synthetic drugs, see them… If you want herbs, see an herbalist is where they are at… But all those sitting on the fence… They don’t believe you or care! [ . ]

Sheree Krider – Another outspoken Ky Cannabis Activist – Owner U.S. Marijuana Party and Head Chair of Ky Marijuana Party

You all need to read this one………

Sheree Krider – I have talked to about 7+ Drs down here and it all comes out the same way – The DEA has put a stop to them prescribing to anyone who tests positive for marijuana – which is another way for them to try to kill us off – either by non-treatment or suicide…. Or worse – drug/heroin addiction death…

Sheree Krider – They got me finally in 2015 –

Sheree Krider – Note the document that is signed by a psychiatrist for me back in 2003 stating no reason to deny medicine because of positive THC….. Its in the article above…

Myself – The fact is they = the Big Corporate owned Industrial Petro Chemical or Big Chema owned Big Pharma owned “Doctors” of the so-called Health Care System of Synthetic Addiction based Military Private Owned Prison Complex!!! Has declared a War on all that is Natural including YOU!!!

Most of them like their kick backs!!!

Do YOU get that?

and IF YOU ARE TRULY WANTING a HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE why not see the Herbalist in the first place?

Myself – I have made this recommendation many time and I will again for anyone needing help with a health issue in Ky ~ https://www.facebook.com/wizardofherbs

Myself – YOU CAN FIGHT BACK!!! What kind of Leader says that??? But LEGAL LIES = LEGALIZE will only further and continue PROHIBITION and it’s record only reflects that!!!

While driving prices UP and UP!

While I’ll say this again, We have a chance to END PROHIBITION FOR REAL through REPEAL on the FEDERAL LEVEL if everyone would just DO IT!!! http://americansforcannabis.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_17.html

After all YOU ALL said we couldn’t get REPEAL there at all!

Well we have done it! So WHY DON”T YOU???

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